Friday, February 29, 2008

Smiling makes it better

My cousin's wife has a Try-It-With-Me Tuesday post on her very inspiring blog (the blog in fact is called "Finding What Inspires").
Her recent, and first, Tuesday challenge was to encourage smiling. I committed to the challenge with ease thinking, "no problem".

Well, today it was a problem. I have a project I am trying to put together, and I was on edge for most of the morning because my girls needed all of my attention. I wasn't able to get much done. Actually, I got nothing done. At one point, I could sense my own frustration, and I remembered that I was supposed to smile. I have to say, it really helped. It helped me to let all that stress and anxiety go, and it helped my girls feel the love and patience from me that they deserve.

I think in the future, I might need a reminder, like this:

on my wall, because I might have to fake it until I get it right.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Jane's internal software has a bug

I think we need to send Jane in for a software upgrade. I was checking her code at breakfast. I made the usual queries into her database and I found almost everything to be in order...

Jane, where is the TV?

Jane: (points to the TV)

Me: Where is the door?

Jane: (points to the door)

Me: Where is the kitchen?

Jane: Bok! Bok!

Once we get the global variables for kitchen and chicken reversed I think she'll be in perfect working order. Unfortunately the potty feature will not be available until v. 2.0. This must be done simultaneously with the phasing out of Diaper 0.1 (beta).


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sleep and Love

There is a fullness of all things, even of sleep and love.
~Homer, The Iliad

Our girls are not the best sleepers, but we love it when they do sleep.

I don't know why we started taking pictures of them at night. It was most likely that we thought it was fun to see their little faces, and sometimes humorous positions, during a peaceful slumber. We almost made a habit of going into their room before we went to bed to snap a few. We have loads.

They may not like us for these photos in the future, but I'm glad we have them as a memory. I want to remember their sweetness and innocence in sleep... and love.


I have a question...

Where is the question?

You may or may not know that Dan has started his own blog and he took his "I have a question?" with him.
So, if you have some inexplicable desire to answer his latest inquiry, you can get your fix here.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

W.O.W.- factitious

factitious \fak tish uhs\, -adjective
1. not spontaneous or natural; artificial; contrived: factitious laughter; factitious enthusiasm.
2. made; manufactured: a decoration of factitious flowers and leaves.

This word is interesting to me because the root word "fact" means truth and reality as opposed to this meaning- artificial and contrived.
I wonder if when I use this word, people will think I don't know what I'm talking about. Then, my purpose in incorporating these words into my vocabulary to sound more intelligent will be futile.
Maybe I shouldn't use it...

Do any of you used this word? Would you?


Monday, February 25, 2008

The 100 Day Challenge

I've known about this challenge for a while. Dan's cousins, Amy and Brain created a blog for it a while back.
Here is how they presented it:

Q: What will you do in the next 100 days?

If a five year old can learn to read, write, count, and do math in just 100 days, what could you do in 100 days? What could you do if you focused your energy of heart, mind, and soul on it? Could you live a dream, change a habit, reach a goal, or change a life? What if we all did just one thing, one thing we have always wanted to do, but have never taken the time to accomplish? If we did that, what would the next 100 days hold for us all?

I thought it was a great idea, but I never did anything about it.
I love having goals, and I love accomplishing goals even more.
So, for the next 100 days, I'm going to train (follow a running schedule, eat right etc.) for the 10k race I will be running at the end of May (that's just short of 100 days). It's not a marathon or even a half marathon, but it is a race and the only race I can run right now is up the stairs with my kids- not much of a challenge. 
What I loved about training for the half marathon last year was that I had specific and defined terms for my goal. I had direction, purpose and I felt so good! After the race, I lost my motivation. I still ran, stayed active and tried to eat healthy but it just wasn't the same.
Maybe for my next 100 Day Challenge I will do something more profound and life altering, but this is my start.

Are you up for a challenge? 


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Happiness is...

Hearing your 18 month old make song requests (bahbo= Popcorn Popping) to her older sister while lying down together at bedtime.
Happiness is...
When older sister delivers.


Friday, February 22, 2008

Snow Day

When we looked outside this morning, we were all pretty excited- a layer of white covered the earth. Well, technically it covered the RR tracks, buildings, concrete... you get the idea.
We were out the door before 9:00 to tromp through the fresh snow in our boots. Jane stuck right by my side, a little unsure of the frigid substance. This is how close she was:

We went to watch trains, and the girls were more excited than usual, maybe because the trains were kicking up so much powder.

After one complaint of cold fingers (from me), we headed home.
Once we had peeled off all our layers and warmed up by our toasty radiator, we built a fort.
To Hannah, it was her castle.

The noble guard was keeping watch, to protect us from the monster,

which turned out to be...

Hannah was a good sport. She gave Jane pointers on how to penetrate the walls most effectively.

Fast Forward: Dinner Time

What to have for a snowy day meal than hot, comforting (rich and fattening), good-for-the-soul soup.
We made a creamy tomato soup from Pioneer Woman Cooks (which I found from her other site).
It was filling, flavorful, rich and simply divine! I'd show pictures, but Pioneer Woman's are better.

And finally, what to have for dessert on a snowy day than...

Lemon Italian Ice???
Okay, so I had LOADS of lemons from Costco and I needed to use them.
(And just for the record, this is #6 of the 31 times I need to make ice cream or bread for Dan this year, as promised in my Christmas present to him)

To wrap it up, Dan and I watched a movie with the perfect hot chocolate to warm us up after eating the frozen dessert.
Raise your mugs to snow days!


Thursday, February 21, 2008


Find out why Hannah is so tired here.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Dan has made a break

Okay, okay, I can take a hint!

Dan started this little family blog of ours about three years ago. He used to post much more than I did. It was his idea, after all. 

However, things started changing:
First, I would start making suggestions as to what he should write in his post- that probably bugged him. 
Then, I started to mention how something we did as a family was blog-worthy and that he should blog about it- that probably got under his skin. 
Then, I just started writing myself, a lot- that probably stripped him of all his blogging pride. In addition, I started my own photography blog- ouch! As if I didn't have enough outlets.

So, my wonderful husband, who until now was so silent in his grief, has made his point clear and has started up his own blog. (It actually existed before this one but has become dormant).

I have to say, I feel a bit guilty. I've been selfish. I'm sorry, Dan. You are more than welcome to write here any time.


"Be prepared to be cultured," he said with a mysterious grin.

Dan surprised me last night with an evening at the opera- a real live Italian opera, and quite a popular one at that. I had never been to the opera before but I had a bit of an idea what to expect. What I didn't know was how amazingly accomplished the talent would be. Renée Fleming (heard of her) and Johan Botha (never heard of him) were Desdemona and Otello (Othello for us English speakers). They were unbelievable.

This is looking down at the lobby and some fancy restaurant at the opera house.
Everything was so red and velvety, even the walls. The most impressive thing about the lobby was this:

This is just part of the chandelier. It has several star bursts that trail down to the entrance in a blaze of glory. 
The very same lights are in the theater, and when the opera begins, the same star bursts are swiftly retracted into the ceiling.

Here's our birds' eye view. Too bad I forgot my glasses...
The sounds and sites (I could see a little bit) were quite spectacular, although don't label us as opera snobs yet. I think we have a long way to come in truly appreciating what the opera has to offer.

Next to the operatic tragedy that was Otello, the best part of the night was people watching (always interesting here), drinking our $5 Orangina (we shared the 6 oz refreshment) and gamboling through the city together (we love to frolic when we get the chance).

Monday, February 18, 2008

From Hannah's Eye- A Critique

Dan gave the girls disposable cameras for Valentine's Day. Hannah in particular took any and all photo opps with ease and confidence.

Now we explore the creative imagery produced by this up-and-coming photog.
We shall first get a chance to see what she see's in us- a study of her human subjects in their own nature.

Hannah has captured so much life and emotion. A mother, a wife, a cook? Yes, she makes it clear. The composition is well done and the focal point, perfect.

This photo tells a tale that takes us a little deeper into the human psyche. There is a sense of blurred confusion in a midst of darkness, yet the subject has a grasp on the happy and pink in the world. The element of fear and surprise as defined by those popping eyes, keep us guessing as to what, who, why and how. One can't help but wonder what lies in store for this little one. A little dark, but brilliant!

Now for a look at the genre of lifestyle and documentary photography:

One need not come to New York to see first hand one of the hundreds upon thousands of dog walkers in city. Hannah has accomplished the daring task of snapping a shot of a stranger on the street that is walking a mere suggestion of a dog. The absence of dog makes the photograph more intriguing, leaving the viewer again with a little guess work. Well done.

An unexpecting pediatrician hard at work, charting stats. (By complete chance, I happened to be present and the time this picture was taken, and she captured the moment precisely.)

This is a wonderful study in perspective and p.o.v. The fence adds movement and depth while it proves the photographer to be just a wee bit higher than ground level. The pedestrian in line with the photog's eye adds focus and purpose to the scene.

A little nature from one experiencing life in the concrete jungle:

Here is a good example of contrasting elements to evoke interest. Nature is the predominating factor among train tracks, power lines, and machinery, leading one to the notion that nature could ultimately be more important than the man-made things of this world.

Here Hannah has chosen to look to the sky, and what did she find? This one is simply organic.

Now, the basics:

A wonderful burst of color!

This may be just an ambulance to the viewer, but Hannah has chosen to demonstrate that design can be found in all things mundane or otherwise.

And now, meet the photographer

Hannah Ruth Dyer, at work in a photo session.
Hannah enjoys walks, anything of or relating to princesses, the Sound of Music and modern dance.


W.O.W.- amative

amative \AM-uh-tiv\, adjective
pertaining to or disposed to love; full of love; amorous

Love is still in the air, right? It is in our home at least, besides the fact that one can't look or take a step left or right without coming across a heart-shaped something or other. Hannah hearts hearts.


Saturday, February 16, 2008

Party time!!!

What a fun day it was! We partied into today for Hannah's birthday with a bash for her and her girls. They made friendship bracelets, excessively decorated then appropriately demolished heart cakes and participated in a gift-opening fr-en-zy! The girls were more than happy to give their gifts to Hannah but they all had to take part in opening them.
After the party, we decided Hannah's birthday was officially over, as great as it was. We had one last celebratory game of Candy Land to end the festivities.

Hannah's gifts: Little People Castle (wow!), cute clothes, Ikea clock (I think it's her favorite), Candy Land game, Princess activity set, a My Little Pony, Llama Llama Red Pajama by Anna Dewdney and more cute clothes.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Hannah is...

Hannah is...
Happiness, kindness, oh so sweetness,
Friendster, daughter, good big sister,
Spirited, gifted, graceful when lifted,
Laughter, crafter, cleaner upper after,

Dancer, twirler, leap leap leaper!
Helpful, willful, far beyond skillful,
Capable, hugable, undoubtedly lovable,
Wishful, thoughtful, comprisingly beautiful.

Hannah is...

Happy Birthday Hannah. We love you for everything you are!

(I have more to say here, and possibly in a more eloquent manner.)


Thursday, February 14, 2008


Tonight for dinner, Dan made seared sea scallops with parsley garlic butter compound- the yummiest part of my day!

It was such a romantic evening filled with ambience: Dora blaring in the background, Jane squawking as only she knows how (loud!) and Hannah with that tone that borders sweetness and helplessness. There was even candlelight. This is sure to be a memorable Valentine's Day.

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Valentine book of choice

Every year, we get children's Valentine's Day books from people, usually for Hannah's birthday. This year, we gave this book to our girls- Consider Love by Sandra Boynton. It's very sweet. It's not necessarily for children. In fact, they probably won't "get" this book for many years. We wish we could get it for all of you, but...
Go check it out, for your young or slightly more mature Valentine (it also comes smaller and in red).


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I have a question? #4

What is something you have a hard time admitting about yourself?

When you were a child it was probably that you were tired. As an adult, it is probably that you haven't grown up. Whatever it is tell us in the comments if you are willing to admit it.


Monday, February 11, 2008

W.O.W- canorous

canorous \kə-nôr'əs\, adjective:
Richly melodious; pleasant sounding; musical.

I recently have come to realize that a deep desire of mine is to sing, sing, sing my heart OUT! Not only that, but I dare say I want to perform! (No, I haven't been watching American Idol.)
I can't deny what has always been in me. Any one person in my family can attest that I spent much of my childhood on stage (literally), and I loved it- back then. Not much of my time in the spotlight was as a singer, and I never did a solo. I probably never will, but I still love to sing. The problem with all of this is that:
a) I don't ever want to perform in front of people, and
b) I'm not that canorous.

Alas, I am confined to belt it out in the car while my eldest child tells me to "stop singing!"


Saturday, February 09, 2008

Saturday Afternoon

This morning Dan said, "I need to go to the beach today."
Sometimes we get desperate to be in nature. So, we took a quick trip out to Rockaway Beach. It was cold and a little rainy, but invigorating. It was good to get out.

I love how you can see Jane's trail.

Hannah and Jane didn't mind the weather too much. They loved to see the water. Jane liked walking on the soft sand, and Hannah liked climbing on the rocks from the jetty.

Jane had her hands in her pockets and was trying to negotiate her steps from rocks to sand when she fell flat on her face. I mean FLAT!

What did I do? I did what anyone would do.
I picked up the camera and took a picture of course. Does that make me a good photographer? Or a bad mother? or both?
I'm pretty sure I put the camera down AS SOON as she started crying to comfort her and clean her up... pretty sure.

Maybe not.
At least the moment was properly captured.

Despite the cold hands and sand up the nose, we had a pretty good time. Next time, maybe we can go on a day when it's above 40˚.

We didn't forget about Hannah's lovely face. To see a "cool" photo of her, click here.

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Saturday Morning

A warmer, and possibly more dangerous way to watch for trains.

Thursday, February 07, 2008


Tonight we were watching Lost and then Eli Stone. We normally watch movies from Netflix, they dont' have ads. And there are so many ads on TV. Tonight there were so many diamond commercials. Kay Jewelers: showing lots of kissing, "Every Kiss begins with Kay" and Jared Diamonds: where all the girls get crazy like its Tiffany's or something oooh, "He went to Jared's". These commercials get old real fast. Finally, Minna said, "Jared and Kay should just get together and shut-up about it."


"Look mom..."

"I'm on my computer!"

We look over (from our computers) and Hannah is typing on the world's smallest laptop. She's moving her fingers appropriately on the tiny surface, and there are even letters on it.

Maybe we spend too much time on our laptops? Hmm...

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

W.O.W. - pundit

This one is for my mom-in-law:

pundit \puhn-dit\, noun:
1. a learned person, expert or authority
2. a person who makes comments or judgments, esp. in an authoritative manner; critic or commentator.

A sentence: The political pundit gave a fair critique of the campaign speech.

Apparently, this word is being used a lot right now.
In a recent post (maybe my ML blog?), I wrote about how I don't really like politics, but maybe I can still try to learn a thing or two. Maybe I can become a political pundit...
maybe not.


Monday, February 04, 2008

No better name

ChikaLicious- The name of that dessert bar says it all. It is all things 'licious by Chika.
Saturday night, I (along with Dan and his parents) went to Chikalicious for the fourth time, and I was impressed again by the unique and satisfying flavor combinations in each course, even from the things I have tried before.
For our "amuse", we each had Kumquat Soup with Vanilla Sorbet- no photo, but wow!
For my main course, I chose Banana Salad on Crispy Kataifi with Adult Chocolate Pudding and Milk Froth- how's that for a name!

I was a bit hesitant to try it but I am so glad I did. That woman is brilliant!

For our petits fours, we shared coconut marshmallows, chocolate sponge cake and vanilla shortbread cookies.

We did so enjoy our time there, as proven in the photo below.

I look forward to seeing you again, Chika!
(Chika is on the right edge of the photo, creating some masterpiece, no doubt.)


Saturday, February 02, 2008

I have a question #3

A few days ago the question at work was "What is your greatest conquest in life so far?" or something like that. The thing I love about the Question of the Day at work is how one question leads to more. The topic turned to the idea that every major decision we make AND then follow through with is a conquest. Moving, getting married, having kids, moving, changing jobs. Many small decisions turn out to be the biggest adventures. Every adventure is a conquest, if it is a decision that you follow through with. So my question for this week has two parts:

What is your greatest conquest so far?

What is your biggest conquest that you didn't achieve? And why?