Friday, September 21, 2007


My two little angels inspired this entry. They make me fall in love with them every day without even trying.

I have so loved being a mom and a wife to such incredible people. How ever this all came to be my life, I'm not sure, but I have to be grateful.

Here's to the wonderful and amazing opportunities I have been handed, to the many doors I have chosen to open, and the paths I have chosen to follow.

The worst possible life is a life without choices, a life barren of the hope of new things, a life of blind alleys. In contrast, the most pleasant life is the life with the most opportunities.
- David Campbell Ph.D.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Cruise

Last week we went on a Caribbean cruise, WITHOUT the kids.

There isn't really anything I could say to tell you how awesome the cruise was, but Minna took some excellent photos.

There are a couple of things we should mention that aren't apparent in the photos:

1 We were completely care free! It was so relaxing to be without the kids, but we did miss them, my mother took wonderful care of them.

2 We went snorkeling in the Bahamas, and Minna got stung by a tiny jellyfish.

3 We ate nonstop. There was SO much food and it was good!

So with that, the photos are worth millions of words. View the photos here.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Dinner conversation:

Dan: Hannah what is your body?
Hannah: (pointing in a circle) Everything is my body, my legs, my feet, my arms my hand... my fork.


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

It's still summer!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Dyer Quotes

*I got a little flustered today as the girls were messing up something I was trying to clean up.
Hannah looked at me, and with all sincerity she said, "Reee-lax."
How could I NOT after that!

*We were getting ready to leave in the car-
Hannah: Are we going to Suzanne's?
Me: No, Suzanne had to move to New Hampshire with Joey, Thomas, Isaac and Matthew.
H: Did they go in their stroller?
M: No, they drove their van.
H: Well, we better go then! Suzanne's birthday is Friday!

ER Visit

Hannah made her very first visit to the ER last night.
She had tripped over her own two feet at home, and on impact, her tooth pierced through her skin from the outside in (we think she was biting her lip at the time because she often does). The "hole", as it was not merely a cut, was only about 3cm long but it was deep and gaping.
Hannah was such a trooper at home and at the hospital. She kept wanting to look at her "owie" in the mirror. She was so much braver than I was. I need to get better at this kind of thing!
Although she was apprehensive and a little unsure of the doctors and the proceedure, she was relatively calm, for a 2 1/2 year old. She cried an almost silent cry of pain when she got the numbing shot, but hey, that hurts! Then, she got one single stitch to close the gap.
I was so proud of her all night. She smiled at me every time I looked at her while we were driving home. I was so in love with her! Finally, she fell asleep. It had been a long day.