Friday, November 30, 2007

Days Before Christmas- Day 1

Tomorrow, we are going into the city to see the magnificence that NYC is during the holiday season. We will enjoy The Tree and all the surrounding lights and sounds in all their glory. We hope you enjoy your holiday lights too!

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24 Days Before Christmas

This year, we are doing the 24 Days Before Christmas. Starting tomorrow, we will do an activity each day until Christmas to help us feel the spirit of our favorite holiday. We will post the daily activity here so check back if you would like to join in on the fun!
Happy Holidays!

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Happy Birthday Kerianne

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hannah on daddies

Hannah: Where's daddy?
Minna: Daddy's in Florida.
H: Who's daddy's daddy?
M: Daddy's in Florida. We'll talk to him later.
H: No, who's DADDY's DADDY!
M: Oh! Daddy's daddy is Grandpa.
H: Daddy's daddy is Grandpa???
M: Yep. I have a daddy too. It's Papa. Just like daddy is your daddy, Papa is my daddy. He's your Papa but he's my daddy.

H: (long pause...) I'm Hannah!

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Monday, November 26, 2007

My Dan

To my wonderful husband who always looks for ways to make me happy, who goes to work late sometimes because he ALWAYS wants to spend time with his girls, who loves to do something because it's an adventure, who always manages to thank me EVERY time I do his laundry, who supports me in whatever I do to be the best I can be, who is happy because others are happy, who likes a clean house as much as I do, who loves that I make him lunch even if it's only PB&J, who makes his girls squeal with delight when they see him because he is such a fun dad, who cooks, does dishes and changes diapers, who loves to be my hero, who loves me for me!
You're awesome! Happy Birthday!



We had a great Thanksgiving with Dan's family, spending the week at a cabin in Parley's Canyon, Utah. It was so beautiful there and very relaxing to have nothing to do except eat, sleep, watch movies, read, make ginger bread houses, construct graven images (?), play games, make boats-to-float, hike and go four-wheeling. This is me as a first-time four-wheeler.

We also took LOADS of pics so stayed tuned for more!


Monday, November 12, 2007

Bubble Bath


Thursday, November 08, 2007

Our girls today

Jane today...
had her 15 month appointment. She is in the 75th percentile for height, the 10th for weight and the 50th for head- exactly what Hannah was at this age. They may be more alike than we thought.
She received many shots. So sad!

Hannah today...
is calling me "Big Mama". When she wants me to come see something or move she says, "come 'ere, big mama!"
She also had a shot today, but man, was she brave- not a tear, not even a whimper. I guess next to the ER last week, a quick shot was nothing!


Friday, November 02, 2007

Another trip to the Emergency Room

The Call 8:15pm

Cell phone rings...
It's Minna, that's weird, but two minutes into the meeting it would be quite rude to take a call. I silence the phone. Then two seconds later the...

Cell phone rings again...
I silence the phone again. If she calls again I'll have to answer it.

Hannah Takes a Trip
"Dan! Hannah cut her head open! I need to you come home right now!"
"Ok I'll leave right now"

later in the car...
"What Happened?"
"She tripped and hit her head on the dresser knob..."

Three Stiches
Hannah was playing and being quite normal when we were finally called from the waiting room, well except for her pink/red/bloody/crusty hair. She was a little afraid of the doctor. He examined it, numbed it up with some goo (no shot thank goodness), and brought in a TV with Blue's Clues. She sat quite happily watching the show while the doctor stitched her up. The anesthetic worked pretty good. I watched and took photos as her head bobbed when he would tug the stitches tight. She was more concerned with Blue's Clues than her damaged scalp. We ended up getting home close to midnight.

I have uploaded some close-ups of the wonderfully gruesome wound and the stitches here. WARNING, these photos are not for the faint-of-heart.


Thursday, November 01, 2007

The Princess and the Dragon

Introducing Princess Hannah and Jane the Dragon. Hannah knew she wanted to be a princess for Halloween this year. Jane really didn't have a choice. She seemed OK with it though.

When Hannah does this with her hand, it means she's REALLY excited!


They're even cute from behind!

They had so much fun trick-or-treating. Hannah got the hang of things pretty quick, and she started running from door to door. She was a little frightened of some of the scary costumes, especially those of towering teens. She made out with a lot of loot!
Jane got reactions wherever she went (mostly "ohhh" and "ahhh"). People would wait patiently for her to walk up the steps and to the door. She gladly took any candy given to her, but she often tried to give it back. She's good at sharing!
I should add that Dan's costume was a stop sign (that's what he was at work, along with his co-workers that were street signs as well). As for myself, I was just a cool mom, I guess.
Now, what to do with all that candy!
