Saturday, February 02, 2008

I have a question #3

A few days ago the question at work was "What is your greatest conquest in life so far?" or something like that. The thing I love about the Question of the Day at work is how one question leads to more. The topic turned to the idea that every major decision we make AND then follow through with is a conquest. Moving, getting married, having kids, moving, changing jobs. Many small decisions turn out to be the biggest adventures. Every adventure is a conquest, if it is a decision that you follow through with. So my question for this week has two parts:

What is your greatest conquest so far?

What is your biggest conquest that you didn't achieve? And why?


At 2/05/2008 4:02 PM, Blogger Miriam Lovell Dyer said...

Part 1- My greatest conquest is having children, hands down. I'm talking about carrying, bearing and rearing- all of it. I am constantly working to achieve it, so does that count?

I'll have to return to Part 2 later, after much thought...

At 2/06/2008 1:09 PM, Blogger Kerianne said...

I was proud of my history thesis on byzantinian religious icons- but... well... ill just go on to part two!

Things left unconquered:
I am romantically unfulfilled, leave many books unread, and never clean my room. Showering is difficult for me. I rarly finish my projects, but the one that really got away though is sking. I took YEARS of clsses, and have yet to feel like I can actually conquer a presipice or stil up the slopes.

At 2/06/2008 2:21 PM, Blogger Ben and Shara said...

My biggest conquest might just be what is my biggest conquest?!!? I feel like I spend all my time in the pursuit of happy children and happy husband which thankfully doesn't always mean there is a clean house, and craft project done, and dinner on the table. . . but unfortunately I feel like I want it all. Happy family, a clean house, conquered laundry, craft project on the fridge, and delicious healthy meals, is that too much to hope for?


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