Friday, January 25, 2008

Hannah's "Possibilities"

The other night on the way in the building, Hannah picked up some political pamphlet by some weird .org. As I opened the 2nd door into the lobby, she show it to me and exclaimed, "Look! It's my possibilities!" Through the lobby, up the elevator, into our door, it was "This is my possibilities", "I have to take my possibilities with me", "Daddy do you see my possibilities?"

Hannah's "possibilities" soon ended up on the floor but as we left to go pick up Minna, she picked up the pamphlet and explained. "I have to take my possibilities with me."
When we met up with Minna again she exclaimed, "Look at my possibilities, Mama!" And then on the way home she said to Jane, "Jane do you want to see my possibilities?" Jane promptly crushed Hannah's possibilities. Hannah's exasperated response was "oh no! Jane broke my possibilities! I need a new possibilities!"

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At 1/27/2008 12:58 AM, Blogger LollyGirl said...

so cute! i love kids big vocabulary words.

minna, thanks so much for the comment on my blog. i often wonder what life would be like to be you with two sweet and mellow little girls. sometimes i can't imagine being able to say that my life isn't overwhelming at times. i'm glad you've heard that this is as bad as it gets and that i'm not just incapable. i loved your advice to just hang on! a good reminder. i try hard to remember how brief this season in my life will be.


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