Tuesday, April 01, 2008


We took a little nature walk today. It started off as a mere walk to the car, but when the car is a block and a half away it becomes an adventurous outing for the girls. Here are some of Hannah's treasures:

I especially like the pecan in the mix. Hannah found it interesting. Jane knew exactly what to do and tried to eat it.
We talked about nature, about what is natural and what is not. Apparently, we haven't been able to instill the meaning of the term because Hannah thinks that anything she deems beautiful is of nature... like her princess dress.

I am grateful we have bits of nature to enjoy in this massive concrete jungle we call home.



At 4/01/2008 8:27 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

Noelle and I went on a walk today. Noelle came home with a handful of flowers. I remember collecting flowers as a kid . . . it's interesting how Noelle collects flowers and my boys always collected sticks. I love how you document the small things I would never think to photograph.

At 4/01/2008 11:12 PM, Blogger Kimberly Dunn said...

I agree with Carrie. I am going to try and document more of the small stuff. It will help me remember just how special an ordinary day with my kids can be. Thanks Minna!


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