Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sugar Strike

The other day, Hannah was helping me cook dinner. When it was time to add the dill to our dish she looked at it and said:
"That doesn't look very good."
"It is good. It adds really good flavor."
"Mmm, good flavor like chocolate!?!"

Sugar, in it's various forms, has been pumping through our veins lately. We've decided to go on a sugar strike, starting tomorrow. Due to the overindulgence of Easter candy and Dan's recent health kick (yea!), we- kids included- are going to go an entire week without refined sugars.
We aren't going to change much else in our diet, because generally, at home, we eat pretty well. We just want to cut out the unnecessary sweetness that we have come to crave almost constantly.
My theory is that the more we eat sugar the more we want it. If we stop eating it, we won't want it... in theory. We'll have a week to test this theory, and hopefully, we'll have healthier teeth, more sustained energy and happier bodies overall to show for it.



At 3/31/2008 3:11 PM, Blogger Kristi said...

I had the exact idea! I wanted to throw away any extra Easter candy and give it a shot at no sugar for the week. Well, it's 1:00 and I've had 2 cookies and a handful of M&M's. I have NO willpower! Keep posting how it goes!

At 4/02/2008 4:15 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

Good for you! I'm convinced I'd be a better person if I could go without sugar, but I've never been able to do it.

Ok, so can Bracan and I both enter your essay contest, or is that cheating? He has the 9th through the 12th off work and we were trying to think of some place to go. NY sounds great, and we have some old NV license plates sitting in our garage that we need to deliver.


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