Friday, January 11, 2008

"My, Oh my!!!"

That's what I said today when I tried the Rocky Road ice cream I made last night. I didn't expect it to be so good, which is probably why I am writing about it right now.

Why have I made ice cream twice in one week, you ask?
For Christmas, I gave to Dan a "certificate" good for "31 Flavors of Homemade Ice Cream in 2008".
(Thanks for the idea, Ami. She made her husband 31.4 pies last year because, you know, pi=3.14)
Dan was unaware, until now, of the heavenly dessert (or meal, as I would have it) waiting in our freezer.
So, for my Dan, I have made a decadent, crunchy, squishy-marshmallowy, chocolatey frozen treat- chock full of goodness!
Will this get him to come home from work early?
I've baited the hook, thrown in the line...
Will. He. Bite?

For those of you with a great ice cream maker like mine, I just made the chocolate ice cream according to the Cuisinart recipe booklet except, I only used 2 cups of heavy cream and made up for it in whole milk. Then I crushed up some very tasty chocolate covered peanuts and added them at the end of mixing along with whole mini marshmallows. You can probably use marshmallow cream, but I like to bite into my marshmallows.
I let it freeze overnight.

On a side note: Dan said he would be willing to substitute homemade bread for the ice cream every once in a while. It looks like I'm going to gain only 30 pounds this year instead of 50.

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At 1/11/2008 4:00 PM, Blogger Dan said...

In response to this, I have written a haiku:

the secret icecream
no longer a secret thing
a delicious treat

and another

working and craving
sat I thinking of ice cream
a lovely surprise

and another

ah delicious food
frozen cream by my nice wife
yes I'll need a spoon

At 1/11/2008 4:16 PM, Blogger 100 Percent Cottam said...

that's a good man you have there! mmm. that sounds deeelish!

At 1/12/2008 11:56 PM, Blogger Tysha & Jacob said...

Wow! Dan is one lucky man, Minna! To have you--and all that delicious ice-cream!!!

Makes my mouth drool! :)


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