Wednesday, January 02, 2008

My purse is saved!

WARNING: The following text includes some raving. Please be advised.

In the process of looking for a crochet pattern to make my sis-in-law some slippers for Christmas, I came across a woman's blog post that has since changed my life. She showed how she made a purse organizer for her purse. As soon as I saw this, I began to marvel. I saw the heavens open and glorious light shone down upon me with a new hope that my purse too could be so organized! Her idea is simple (as in, why didn't I think of that!) yet revolutionary. My struggle with my bottomless pit, as I often refer to it, is seemingly over. As long as I have to carry diapers, wipes, and snacks as well as my many personal belongings, I will use this!
To those of you who have already discovered such a wonderful tool, all I can say is, why didn't you tell me!?!

Here is my "bottomless pit" before: (none of the little things can be found by eye or hand)

and after:

Hannah was trying to help me hold my bag open while I took the picture, and I have to say she did her best. The point is, now I can see everything in my big purse.

These are all of the things in my organizer: lotion, glasses, pocket brush/mirror, gloss/chapstick, wallet, cell phone, pen, planner, and an envelope for coupons or whatever, all of which can be found quickly and effortlessly.

Her pictures might give you a better idea.
If you are into crafty things, check out the rest of her blog.



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