Sunday, April 08, 2007

Egg Huntin'

Warning the following post is not intended for small children. The weirdest thing happened to me this morning. I was looking forward to a great Sunday morning sleep in session, when the kids came barging in. In my mind I considered the chances of me still sleeping in. I figured if Jeromy got up with the kids I was home free. Cody and David had an announcement for me. They said "We have something to tell you . . . Happy Easter." My immediate reaction was "Shoot." Luckily I said this under my breath. You see at our house the "Easter Bunny" leaves a basket out with chocolate bunnies and goodies, maybe even a small toy. Well unless the Easter Bunny is actually real, then he didn't visit our house. The kids had already been downstairs, so they would've seen any baskets that the Easter Bunny left out. I am sorry to say the Easter Bunny isn't real and I forgot to put out the baskets. All plans of sleeping in were discarded. I had Jeromy corral and dress the boys in their room while I threw together 3 Easter baskets and hid them downstairs. Then I wrote a note from the Easter Bunny telling the kids their baskets were hidden in the house. When Noelle woke up I "noticed" the note. Easter was saved!


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