Friday, September 05, 2008

The Old Guggenheim Estate

I told Hannah yesterday morning that we were going to a castle. She wanted to wear a dress, naturally. She was really excited to go! She was even more excited when she saw this...

I always recommend people visit Sands Point Preserve, the old Guggenheim Estate, when they come to NY. I took my cousin Amy there because she is a world traveler extraordinaire and I thought she would appreciate the history associated with the estate. While she went on the Falaise home tour (not pictured), the girls and I walked around the grounds.

This is the new home of the upcoming TV series, Kings, which is why we couldn't go inside- the film crew was setting up.

There were plenty of trails to take so we beat the heat and took a walk in the shade.

The girls were holding hands because they were looking for spiders.

"Is there something in my eye?"

We went back to the "castle" and saw that there was a photo session in progress.

Hannah loved the wedding dress -she talks about getting married a lot- and she didn't hide her enthusiasm from the couple.
To kill just a little more time, I sat the girls up on this ledge and snapped a few.

I got in trouble for this one.

As soon as Amy returned from the tour, our fairy tale day at the castle ended, due to a hankering to shop and eat.
Now I don't have to take Hannah to Ireland just to see a castle.



At 9/05/2008 11:40 PM, Blogger Christy Dyer said...

I loved that old castle, but I love those girls more! See you soon!

At 9/06/2008 7:50 PM, Blogger Ben and Shara said...

Minna you rebel!!!!

At 9/07/2008 3:19 AM, Blogger candicerail said...

A castle in New York...amazing. It is like Citizen Kane-kind of.

I loved the Asian couple taking pictures. I lived in China for 2 years, and if you want to see some amazing wedding photos, they are the best. Nothing natural, mind you-lots of soft lighting, heavy makeup, and costumes with pink or red backdrops if not taken outside. Nevertheless, they turn out gorgeous.


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